For many young individuals, the path to success can be unclear and overwhelming. Portland Youth Builders (PYB) offers hope and a second chance at success for affected underprivileged youth. With programs serving well over 200 adolescents a year, PYB offer several services including vocational training, high school completion, and much more.

On Thursday May 21, 2015, Lara Media attended the organization’s open house where staff gave Lara Media a tour of the facility and showed the hands-on activities and programs they offer to the youth. Our staff had the pleasure of hearing the stories of two program participants who demonstrated the impact that PYB had on their lives.

“In the program, I got the attention I needed, especially in math. I’m finally going to have my high school diploma, which I never thought possible.” – Student Graduate of PYB program

“I was impressed by the stories of these two young students and how Portland Youthbuilders has changed and improved their lives. They believe in themselves now. They see their worth, their potential and value.” – Victoria Lara


portland youthbuilders portland youthbuilders

portland youhtbuilders


Portland YouthBuilders’ Mission:

To support young people who are committed to changing their lives to become self-sufficient, contributing members of the workforce and their community.

For more information on Portland YouthBuilders contact Jill Walters at 503-286-9350 or visit


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