On Thursday, November 7, 2013, Lara Media Services had the opportunity to attend an event in recognition for Causa to speak and discuss their plans for the upcoming 2014 year. Lara Media Services interviewed the new director of Causa, Andrea Miller, to learn about Causa’s future initiatives.

Andrea Miller discussed the importance of having volunteers for events that Causa is involved with and participating in. Andrea stated that one of the obstacles they face is how there are only 7 staff members who work throughout the State of Oregon. Causa has emphasized the need of more staff to fulfill their mission and vision.  Further, Andrea stressed the need of pro-active volunteers to help advocate, promote and deliver Causa’s message. They need volunteers at events for canvassing, registering voters, and to educate inform voters on current local and national issues. Causa would appreciate volunteers and supporter to collaborate and organize with them for the upcoming year. Causa believes and ensures with hard work that 2014 year will be more successful than ever.

Causa is known as a non-profit which defends undocumented immigrant rights, but they also focus on basic human rights for individuals in the Pacific Northwest including LGBTQ rights and workers rights. Andrea expressed that Causa focuses on these five causes: public safety, education equity, health equity, jobs and the economy. This year, Causa helped pass a bill that addresses cultural competency so physicians can have a common view with different cultures. Her reasoning for this was because physicians were not understanding why patients could not take certain medications for cultural reasons. So if physicians are required to learn about cultural competency, then an mutual understanding relationship will take place between patient and doctors.

Causa’s stand on jobs and the economy equity include state solutions, for example; wage theft. Andrea explained that those who work general labor and do not get paid or are not paid the correct amount are abused. Their main goal in assisting with these causes is to help find solutions for Oregon workers to have equality. Among other goals for next year include a partnership with Basic Rights Oregon to allow marriage equality, to continue providing services that help undocumented people to apply for citizenship, and to launch their new American voters project. Lastly, Causa wishes to continue developing leaders in Oregon by offering training, classes, and support to promote causes in Oregon.

If you would like more information about Causa Oregon and get more involved go to:  http://causaoregon.org/resources/get-involve/

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