by Lara Media | Dec 2, 2014 | Activism, Blog, Community, Culture, Education, Events, National News, Politics, Social Media, yay!
“I have the universe, I have everything mommy! And I am going to share it!” Israel Palacios – 3 years old. I will never forget when my son said those words to me five years ago. We had spent the day at a temporary shelter for the homeless; and while...
by Lara Media | Dec 2, 2014 | Activism, Blog, Culture, Events, History, National News, Other, Politics, Social Media, yay!
Last week tension and anger filled many hearts after hearing the grand jury’s verdict on the murder of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Around the country protests erupted with emotions running high. Sadly even today police brutality and racism are very much alive. But we...